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Showing posts with label Z. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Z. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Keepin it real. halloween style.

 So Halloween has came and went. It was a blast. Crazy. Stressful. Some epic fails. Fun. and Chaotic. Seriously, I can't get over how crazy chaotic holidays often end up being. Just being REAL. So after having Zakiyah, I have been waiting for the pumpkin photo shoot that I saw on Pinterest. My inspiration.......

Well things don't go as planned. with a 10 week old. with 40 degree weather. with a cold pumpkin. with two small of carved out holes in the pumpkin. with stress from mama and dad. seriously, what a disaster. First of all, yesterday Andy went out to get us pumpkins for carving and some smashing for the Gate. He literally went to over 3 stores and they were all sold out. So we ended up having Jorden get them (assistant YP). Good Ole Cass fam waiting til the last minute.... So I got carving away for baby Kiyah. The whole time Andy and I were bantering because he didn't think we should go outside with the cold weather. I thought it would be fun cuz we could get a shot in like one minute right? ha. NOT. We were outside for about 20 seconds, Kiyah screaming. too small of holes...(no I didn't measure) ice cold pumpkin. Zion wanting to go outside too. augh. So we went inside, re-carved the holes. and put Kiyah in there. This is the awesome pinterest shot:

RIDICULOUS. obnox. I can't handle it. Poor Kiyah girl. So the pumpkin was too cold I guess. :) Fast Forward 5 plus hours...post sitting in front of our fireplace to warm up. I got smart and put a towel down in the pumpkin. This time my sister Chelsea was here to help.  I also had Zakiyah's pumpkin outfit on too. She still was not having it.... 

 Why does Pinterest make it look so easy? Does this happen to anyone else? Or am I the only one?

I finally got this shot. the best one of the series. Feeling satisfied....I kept taking pix.  Chels and I were laying on the floor trying to keep Kiyah entertained....

Then my confidence as a mom was demolished......and the epic fall happened.......

MOM OF THE YEAR. PUKE FEST 2012. WHAT THE HECK? AUGH....... poor baby. We were dying. laughing. screaming. talk about chaos. I can't handle it. God is humbling. Humbling this lady as we speak. sigh. ;)

Then there is Zion in the background. "Mommy, baby sister cyin. She pukin. Mommy, sister no like that." neat. fabulous moment. (May I add that this happened when we were trying to jam pack supper, getting dressed. answer the door bell rings. go trick or treating, and make it to our church carnival by 6pm. ha ha. 

Here are some precious pix of my babies..... Kiyah wore the pumpkin onsie from our friend Becca.  Her booties and hat are homemade by Chelcy. I just love the details in the hat. LOVE it. and Zion was a hair stylist. She is employee of the month at Tala:) I used color rub in her hair for some brightness. I love the smock. It is Melissa & Doug. Easy and fun. She is into princesses...next year. I wanted to wait to get princess gear on sale. 

We eventually met up with our neighbors and went around the cul-de-sac. It was fun! Last year Zion was so scared....This year not so much. She is bold! We taught her to say-Trick or Treat. She rocked it. I don't know what I would have done without my sister's help. Andy was busy at church getting ready for youth group. 


Isn't she adorable. Zakiyah was stroller-riding. cozy and warm. 

Post Trick or Treating....we hit up church for the FALL FUN PARTY! It was so fun! I love going there. There are hundreds of people there. It is free. It's warm. They have a whole toddler area for games. Zion had a blast. My mom and dad met us! They had a blast. Last year they came too. Zion was so excited!

Noelle painted a rainbow-Zion's fav. on her cheek. Noelle is Zion's nanny when I am working at Tala. She is in our youth group. We love her and the Cors fam.

proud Z. 

 Zion's fav... the balls to jump around in..... 

dress the pumpkin face with a eye mask on. so cute. 

Zion is in Rainbows class this year at our church. It is a preschool aged program for kiddos. They learn bible verses, do crafts, have play time. etc. She LOVES it. Mrs. Cindy and Mr. Brad are her teachers. They are the best. They were working in one of the rooms so we got to see them:)

Zi with her besties....Sophia and Lila. Their mama and I are BFFs as well. They were so cute.

Zakiyah napped for the first half of the carnival...but she is so prec.

 hanging with Grandma Beege.

Zi and Bapa Wayne dominating the nerf gun.

After the carnival, we went and say Daddy at The Gate! We did a "Late Show with Andy Cass" last night. Always fun. Daddy was missed last night....Zion always loves to go to the Gate though.

Zion showing Ozzy her art. Elizabeth was Zion's nanny for the past year. now living in NYC. but home visiting, trip extended due to Sandy right now.

Cass Fam 2012 Halloween....so cute our girls......overflowing with gratitude.  They are growing so fast. Here are some oldies....

Here Andy and I are at our yearly Supper destination for Halloween, Chipolte! I was a baby burrito of course. ha. Pregnant with Zion Leilani. 2009 baby. 

Zion the Lion. I loved this costume. And she is at Chipolte here:) 9 months old. 2010! 

Me and the cutie pie. 

Here is the bumble bee last year. 2011. I loved this costume. She looks sooo little. 

So how was your Halloween? any puking shots? ha. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Cass Life

I love FALL in Minnesota. We are so spoiled here with the 4 seasons. I tend to complain about winter but overall we have it good. Andy has been working really hard on our back yard since we moved into this house 2 years ago. This summer we had the opportunity to buy a Rainbow play ground from some youth kids that have out grown it. Zion is loving it. Andy just got it up a few weeks ago with the help of our neighbor Mike. They had to clear brush, cut down some trees, level it off, water it etc. But it looks fab. We have mulch down to help prevent muddy children. It is awesome to watch Z play back there. This picture was taken from our deck. 

 This is a shot from the deck at the changing colors. my FAV>

It is so pretty. I can't get over it. I still pinch myself that I get to wake up to the majestic view everyday......
 My dad recently came to visit for the day and I had him hang up this beauty. My mom gave it to me for my 30th a year ago. She is so stinkin talented. I heart HOMEMADE! It matches so well with our colors in our home. I have it hanging in living room. My dad made the hanger and I painted it yellow.
 Here is some fall-age in the entryway. I love my apple orchard finds. I put the gourd on the mug rug from Jody. My candle is from Hallmark. The rocks are pier 1. The frame and the hurricane is TJMAXX.

I put the pumpkin in my adorable Martha Stewart birdie cake stand. So prec.

 I got these pumpkins two years at Target on clearance. I love them.....Perfect on the table for decor. I like the contrast of the stick table runner with it.

Love myself some fall mantle love. 

I had fun decorating the mantle with some pumpkins, gourds, and flowers. I got the clock at Hobby Lobby, yellow vase at TJMAXX and the mirror is from Target. I think the "C" is from Restoration Hardware. 
 Zion is girl after my own heart with all the art she likes to do. It is a daily question around here from her, "mommy, can we do a project"? It is so cute. She had fun painting the pumpkin that now sits outside our front door.
 Then there is this pumpkin. HOW CUTE! Our friend Chelcy made this for Zion when she was born. Kiyah is getting so much use out of it with it being the perfect season for it.
Speaking of my girls....look at this gem. so special......heart melting now.....

My lovely mums.....that don't look this good anymore. I am so bad with flowers/plants. augh.....What are you doing for fall? Have a favorite tradition.......or recipe to share? loves. xoxo