I have been all about plants in my home lately. Maybe it is my winter blues, but man, they cheer me up! I have been wanting to freshen up my space with some new ones!
Remember, when I mentioned that I scored some good deals on plants last week? Well, I crafted up some pretty pots this weekend!
This is what I started with……
I used planters that I already owned. They were looking sad.
I started by painting the terracotta pot with a fun yellow acrylic paint. I did 5 coats! I then used copper leaf and adhesive to make it fun. I used painters tape to section off my shapes. I have to say, that I think I might be addicted to using copper/gold leaf right now! Oh my word, so fun!
For the leafing technique…..
1. section off your desired area you want the copper to go.
2. paint a thin coat of adhesive on the surface. wait 20-30 minutes for it to change from milky white to clear.
3. apply the gold/silver/copper leaf to the area.
4. I used a spray sealer on my pots so they are water resistant!
That is it. easy.
I painted copper leaf on the base of my new hanging basket! Hint: this is the master bath…..There will be a reveal later this week of my newly decorated space. (the pix is taken before I painted the room) I want to make the copper line more straight……. soon…..
After! So pretty.
So what do you think? Have you used copper/gold leaf before? It is so easy! I love it! Any projects that you are working on right now?
Happy Monday!