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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rambling Reflections

Our three point five year old daughter, Zion, joined ballet for the school year! We are loving going to ballet every Wednesday. I am amazed at what she is learning in the 45 minute classes. I chose a Angelina the Ballerina class for 3-5 year olds. The teacher is amazing and very patient with my daughter. I am loving how ballet teaches my daughter how to be a young lady, using manners, and being graceful and feminine. 

I always wanted to have ballet and other dance classes when I was little and didn't get the opportunity. I am fully aware that I am living a little vicariously through Zion. :) It has been fun for Zion to meet new little friends as well. Yesterday, we got to observe the class for the first time! So I brought the camera to document...... (and by the way, the class has openings if any of my Roch friends are interested)

I mean....can you even stand it? So stinkin presh! 

Zion loves her class. They incorporate Angelina music, a few pages from a Angelina the Ballerina book and what not as well. Zakiyah loved watching her big sister dance! Zion has been walking around the house using ballet words now and practicing. Melt my HEART.

Zakiyah on the loose.

Below the girls are listening to Miss Kathy read the story to them. 

It is amazing as a mama to be able to observe my daughter in this setting.......standing on the sideline. Watching her grow up before me. I am always praying over my daughters, that they will be a leader, as well as allowing others to lead them. I pray that they listen and obey and show kindness, compassion, love, generosity and joy with those around them. I pray that they know where they have come from, and allow the foundation that is laid out before them to mold them and strengthen them. I pray they accept Christ's love and acceptance for them. 

I want this innocence to outlast the "norm" of what society tells us is acceptable. I want my daughters to be proud of what their names mean- and take ownership for their decisions. {Zion-presence of God.... Zakiyah-purity}I want them to be protected, but yet, be able to explore and learn from mistakes. I love how my Zion shows me how to live in the moment. Whether she is exploring in the woods, or coloring on her construction paper, she is in the moment FULLY. I love watching Kiyah develop and grow into a little person. 

I want my love, that I have for my daughters to show in my words, emotions, actions, reactions ;) , body language, discipline, and how I generally respond to everything. A quote that I stitched, hanging by my desk says, "Everything you say to your child is absorbed, catalogued, and remembered." I want to live this out........

I want to be consistent.

I don't want the mom regrets at the end of the day......battling my frustrations and dwelling on how I should have handled the 3 year old meltdown, the lack of sharing with my daughter's friends, my teething baby that is needing her mom....... It is funny how in the dark of the night, when things tend to slow down and be silent, when I am laying in my daughter's ikea toddler bed, how perspective and thankfulness smacks me in the face........ 

Please, Lord, give me grace and mercy for my girls everyday- morning. noon. and night.

I am thankful for friends that I can run to. One thing that I have learned..... is I am not alone. My life is created to share with others. Mamas who get it. Mamas who don't judge. Mamas who have the same struggles. Mamas who have the same obstacles. Having spent the past day with my old roomies from UMD- us 4 having 9 kids under 5 now....... I am overwhelmed with the chaos :) and the wonderful blessing that my God has given to me. 

I struggle with busyness. Running a business, being married to a pastor. Having a lovely family and friends. Loving the teens and our church family. Having two daughters and a wonderful husband. loving ministry. Enjoying so many things.....that keep me busy. It is never ending....my goals...my lists..my longing for balance. My desire to reach more people, connecting with new and old friends...... I am thankful for so much. I am blessed beyond measure, that is for sure..... So today, I am taking a moment and breathe. Even if its writing out this post, it is "me" time, it refuels me. 

I just want to be the best version of "me". 

I want to be a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend that I am created to be.

I want to make time for the things that I love.....reading. coffee, baths, painting my nails, walks, painting. baking and more..... that is all. ha. ha. 

I hope to continue to grow. Allowing others to pour their wisdom into me. 

Well, that was my Thursday randomness.........thanks for reading. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

new Princess light for Zion's room!

Ever since we moved into our home (almost) 3 years ago, I have been wanting to switch out a lot of our lights! Especially in our girls rooms! I am loving Zion's new chandelier "princess" light. I scored it at Lowes a week ago, and have been waiting to catch the Hus at a spare moment to install it! Today is the day, I show you the new light...... HOLLER.

old boob light........goodbye, friend.



 Isn't it the cutest? Perfect for a lil girls room. Romantic. Whimsical. Charming. Enchanting. We went with the oil rubbed bronze look to go with our hardware on the doors! I love how it makes the space! 

 Do you like it? I love it! If any of your are looking for a deal on my boob light...... It is now for sale! $18 bucks baby! 

I have also been on a organizing quick/obsession with our closets. More on that this week! I am praying our organized home lasts......... Please, Jesus. I need sanity. 

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

fall retreat

Today, I am playing catch up......
We take our Gate kids, every September, to Andy's parents home in Central Wisconsin! 
Ice cream.
Zip lines.


Here are some pix from our weekend..... In no particular order.

Here are some pix from this past weekend of our kids bouncing with friends!

Happy Wednesday!