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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter + Cass style

I love Easter. 
I want spring.
I love matching little Z girls outfits.
I want spring.
I love Starburst jellybeans.
I want spring.
I love watching lil kids look for eggs (indoors)
I want spring. 
I love our church on Easter Sunday. 
I want spring.
I love celebrating all holidays with kids-its magical!
I want spring. 

(Can you tell I am ready for flip flops. tulips. iced lattes. windows open. trees budding. pastels. fresh cut grass. smell of grilled din din. sidewalk chalk. campfires. i am ready). 

We had a few kiddos over for some easter egg hunt festivities! It was a blast.

That teddy is mine from when I was a little girl. I toted that thing everywhere for 5 years! Now,  Zion loves it. Makes my heart happy!

I love-love-love these books. I have given them as gifts. I love the classics....and I love the illustrations in them. I snatched them up at a local shop for 1/2 off. Perfect for easter baskets. 

We finally dyed eggs on Easter Sunday- It was simple and fun for Zion. Man, those blues kill me.

Did you do anything fun for Easter? Do you have any fun plans for spring?! 


I started Lock Lock Wednesday to get myself motivated to style my hair everyday. It is so easy, for even hair stylists to get in a rut with their hair. I am hoping to inspire you along the way with simple and fun techniques to help you look fabulous! Join me along the way. It will be fun! All you have to do is take snapshots of your hair during the week and link up with me below! 

Here I took my hair in vertical sections and twisted them and pinned them in place with a bobby pin. I then put my hair in a side pony. 

I love styling my daughter, Zion's hair as well. I twisted her hair back on both sides and put it in a messy bun and clipped it up for fun.

This is my Easter updo. I just pinned it up in sections a touch to the side.

As I said last week, I have been wearing my hair in high messy buns a lot. It is in fashion. easy. and off my face.

Join me with LLW and show us your daily/weekly hairstyles! Find me on Instagram and #locklovewed or #locklovewednesday

Happy Wednesday!!! Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin! It is a really fun way to keep up with your favorite blogs. (I have a bloglovin button on the right sidebar) and check back later today for my Easter recap! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to hang a mounted picture TUTORIAL!

I have been staring at this gorgeous picture from our wedding (2005) for far too long. It was mounted on backing when printed from Fagan Studios. I love this picture. It was taken right before our ceremony when we were gathered with our wedding party and family. We did a quick prayer before the festivities started. I have been meaning to get it professionally framed for almost 8 years. Opps. So, I opted for this fun/casual/cheap solution instead! 

Materials needed:

mod podge 
construction paper/card stock
super glue

You want to figure out the measurements for your ribbon to be glued. Mark it with a pencil.

Cut the ribbon to desired length and super glue it to the back.

Mod podge the paper on the back. I used the MP on both the paper and back of the picture. Let dry. and repeat with another layer of MP.

I let it dry for a couple of hours for good measure. I chose to hang it in my bedroom! I love it! The contrast of the yellow ribbon with the black/white photo is perfect-o! 

If you have pictures that you want to mount....check out Pinterest for ideas. You can decoupage them onto insulation board or a canvas. Super easy. 

Friday, March 29, 2013


Happy Friday! hope all is well with you. Here are some of my weekly highlights:

Had some lazy high bun days.....

Our 7 month old is not so sure about her new puffs for snack time.

My hus and I got to attend an amazing marriage conference last weekend. So good. So Real. So needed. Totally recommend to anyone! 

check back next week for tutorial i have been working on!

Loving this quote! So my life right now! Need to have faith in all things. Faith is a hard one to grasp sometimes.

Have a great Easter weekend. 

Linking up with Lauren.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lock Love Wednesday

I started Lock Lock Wednesday to get myself motivated to style my hair everyday. It is so easy, for even hair stylists to get in a rut with their hair. I am hoping to inspire you along the way with simple and fun techniques to help you look fabulous! Join me along the way. It will be fun! All you have to do is take snapshots of your hair during the week and link up with me below! 

I am loving how long my hair in these days. It makes me so excited for my hair to keep growing! I have been having a lot of fun styling it down with my GHD 1" flat iron and putting in loose waves with it. I would be lost without my shine spray, and dry shampoo.

I have been throwing my hair up in bobby pins a lot. It feels great having it off my neck. I just gathered my hair in 2 sections here and twisted it in a fun knot to achieve this look.

Unfortunately, I lost all of my pictures off my DSLR! Augh. I am without all of my pictures from this week for LLW. Luckily, I had pix on my iPhone!  I flat ironed my hair straight, which never happens and had cute pictures to show you! With them being deleted, I had this instagram from the weekend with my sister and friend Brie! Here is my hair straight!

Love my J Crew headband! I used a curling iron here! I sprayed my roots with my Eufora dry shampoo and and hair spray by Awapuhi! Link up below with me and show off your hair from the week! Lets get inspired! Happy LLW! 

Join up on Instagram too! #locklovewednesday or #locklovewed

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

instagram art + cass house = everywhere

I am so happy that I finally decided to use my instagram pix! They have been just waiting to be played with and displayed in our home! I have been using instagram for over 2 years now on my iPhone. It started out with me using it to tone/filter my pictures and upload on Facebook, but has revolutionized into an explosion! I love it! I prefer IG more than FB. I like the simplicity of it. I have been looking into different websites/apps on my phone for ordering pix. I ended up going with Kanvess. I dump my pictures off my phone frequently, so a photo app was out of the question. I am very pleased with Kanvess. I ordered 100 prints, all 3"x 3". The quality is great. The paper is sturdy and not grainy. I love it. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through my pictures the old school way, in my hands! Here are some ways I have started using them! 

I started out with an old barn window that I got from my friends, Eric and Danielle! It is from an abandoned barn here in Rochester! My hus screwed it into the wall on the top and bottom. 

I have been wanting to hang this window for a year and a half now. I just didn't know what I wanted to do with it after that. I love how the IG prints look on there. The contrast of the pictures with the paint. So much history.....window + pictures. Memories. Love. Of course, I used washi tape! Oh my word, I am really obsessed with washi tape too. I got the tape from my BFF, Jody for my birthday. She got it on Etsy. They now sell this stuff at Target, Michaels, Hobby Lobby etc. I use it on everything:  gifts, cards, walls etc. It is just decorative tape. I love how mine looks vintage! 

Here is a area shot of the living room! Everytime, I walk by this I smile!

That is what is all about with decorating....making us smile. our hearts overflow. I want my home to be a reflection of our priorities, personalities, style and needs! I love this. It is so fun how watching our home come along........as the days go.....creating a space that reflects my family!

In our main floor bathroom, I used some washi tape and made a mini collage. I am not sold on this space yet...but I am brainstorming of what to do with it. Here is it now.

When I ordered the pictures, I made sure to order ones for the girls bedrooms! I love the fact that Zion can look at her pictures and see people that she loves....her little friends. I used washi tape and added them next to her gallery wall! She loves it! She helped me hang them up!

In Kiyah's room, I put a picture in a 4x4 frame that I had. I just used double sided tape and put it on white paper. I used washi tape on the others and went around her shadow box! 

 Seriously, I have a problem....... I just love IG prints! Do you have a favorite website or phone app that you have had good luck with? Do you have a favorite place that you have found washi tape? Have you done any crafts with IG prints? I love ideas! Please share! 

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest! You can click on the icons on the top right of my blog too!