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Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Happy Lock Love Wednesday! I started LLW to keep this hairstylist accountable. It is so easy to get in a hair rut and not style my own hair! I have fun sharing with you anything Hair related! Today, is Before + After day! I even colored my hair this week! Join with me below and link up and show off your styling techniques or beautiful hair! Follow me on Instagram @ talahairlife #locklovewed and #locklovewednesday 

 I love this look!!!! The Braided High Bun is a easy way to switch up your bun!

1. Start with a high pony tail.
2. Braid the pony and put a clear hair tie on.
3. Seperate the braid/ spread out the sections to have more hair to work with.
4. twist the braid into a fun bun to your liking.
5. bobby pin (open up the pin/have the ridged side facing down) and pin around the bun. I used 5 pins. I like keeping the ends out to make the look more casual and natural.
6. Wa-Lah!!!!! 

Here is a close up of her high bun! 

The Ombré look is sticking around in the hair world, and I love switching it up! I did a reverse Ombré on Amanda this week! I love it!!!!! We bleach her hair and painted on a red/violet and espresso brown through her ends. I toned her blonde with a high lift ash! I love it!!!!!! 

Here is Amanda's before and after! She is looking good in the hood!
 This was my first time coloring Kim's hair! We ombréd her hair with a fun approach. I painted low lights of a rich brown through from scalp to ends. I then took two different colors to brighten up her hair. I chose a blonde and warm caramel to give her hair some lift. I painted more of the lighter tones around her face! I took 2 inches off overall to freshen up her hair style! Lovley!!!!!!!

 Mens hair is so fun to style and cut! Tyler looks fresh!
 Blonde Bliss for Lisa! I love her blonde locks!
 Claire rocks the bob amazing! She looks stunning! It is totally her style! I love this look on her!!!!

I am still loving the easy twist updo with my headbands! Takes 2 minutes and looks vintage and whimsical!

Join me below with your locks from the week! Happy LLW!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Taking time to be thankful.

I found this image on Pinterest and love what it says.

Yet, profound. 

Man, we are blessed.
Overwhelmed lately with gratitude.
Thankful for my husband.
Thankful for my z pies.
Seriously, this season…… raising littles is pretty awesome.
Somedays are harder than others. Somedays just play rock.

Lately, I have been soaking in the moments. Cuddling with Kiyah. She is our little monster! Zakiyah invented the word, "explore." She learned how to open the oven this weekend! She stands on her rocking horse, or any table for that matter. She follows her sister in everything! She loves dried cranberries and anything sweet! She gives the best hugs and her giggle is contagious. She is going to out run us anyday now. Zakiyah Nova- our blessing.

Zion is growing up before our eyes. I can not believe that she will be 4 in a couple of weeks here! I took her on a date over the weekend, to celebrate her helpful heart and giving spirit. I figured it was time to celebrate and show her I appreicate her! She is my little helper everyday! From cleaning the studio with me, to emptying the dishwasher, to making her bed, she rocks at helping her mama. She says "yuv you" fifty times a day. She loves painting nails and using her imagination. Everything is magic in this house. She is so excited to have a Tinkerbell party. I love that we are turning the four year old corner in life….. more grown up…..less tantrums….. amen and amen

The Hus and I have been together for 12 crazy years- what the? Where did the time go? I am still lucky to call him my BFF and my partner in this life. He continues to challenge me and make me a better woman. We couldn't be any more opposite but it somehow works for us. Thankful for his sense of humor, his consistency in EVERYTHING, his opproach at life, his leadership in our family. Love you hus…...

The girls love watching daddy sing and play. It is one of my favorite casslife things we do.


Cass girls sandwich. The best. I love how Z/Z are buddies. IN IT FOR LIFE is what I always tell them.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Master Bathroom Mood Board!

I have been chomping at the bits to start our bathroom! I will be working on it in the next couple of weeks and can't wait to reveal it to you! I put together a little mood board for you to see the direction I am going! The bathroom has really good bones, just needs some love. I am excited to personalize the space and make it more us! My goal is to re-use as many items as possible to keep the cost really low!

1. I am going to use this fabulous paint color, Drizzle, by Sherwin Williams. I painted our stools this color too! I love the spa/fresh/tiffany blue of this color! Perfect for our bathroom!
2. I am going to be gold/copper-fying some frames!
3. Boston Ferns are pretty hard to kill. Cross your fingers.
4. I am getting rid of our towel rod and replacing it with some fun hooks! I am not sure of what hooks I will get yet!
5. I love Katie Daisy art!!!! I have a print that will be in the bathroom!
6. Oh my word, i love turkish towels. The design/ the stripes/ the fringe! Plus, they dry really fast- no stinky towels for this girl.
7. I love using fun bowls to hold bobby pins/makeup/jewelry.
8. I am going to use a crisp white shower curtain. Simple and Spa like.
9. My hus and I have a Cass glass that holds our toothbrushes. It is a beer in Korea, but we love that it has our name on it!
10. I love glass shelving to hold jars and containers!
11. Lavendar is my fav! I love these candles! They are a must for our bathroom!
12. I have two of these- in our bathroom- HEAVEN! Have you tried these amazing foam mats? They dry and wash out well and are so plush!

Excited to get started! Are you working on some spaces in your home?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lock Love Wednesday

 Happy Lock Love Wednesday! I started LLW to keep this hairstylist accountable. It is so easy to get in a hair rut and not style my own hair! I have fun sharing with you anything Hair related! Today, is Before + After day! I even colored my hair this week! Join with me below and link up and show off your styling techniques or beautiful hair! Follow me on Instagram @ talahairlife #locklovewed and #locklovewednesday 

My lovely Before + After. I had 6 weeks of regrowth going on. I had ombred my hair back before the holidays, and it was time to do a touch up. I went a level lighter this time round (knowing I will want brighter for Spring). I freshened up my ends with blonde too. I like my ombre to have lots of bright pieces around my face, so I don't look washed out.

a side shot for you.

This is my friend, Megan! I took 4" off her hair and cut it assymetrical. Her left side is a few inches longer than her right side. Her goal is to grow out her fringe and eventually rock out a middle part. So, I cleaned up her bangs and gave them a side swept look. She looks beautiful! 

Side shot of the longer side!

 I love Elizabeth's blonde hair! I did a bleach/tone on her! She loves change and has been having fun walking around with blonde hair! 
 Miss Sally has amazing hair and I always have fun switching it up for her! I colored her hair with a rich dark brown and gave her 10 foils or so of a neutral caramel to soften up the tone. It looks amazing! 

Curtis loves a vintage inspired cut. Thank You Jesus for letting me cut that shag off. (this is my sister's hus) He surprised my sister with this cut! AMEN! Lookin' good Bird.

Join with me below and show off your hair locks!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wall Display + Organizing Games

I thought it would be fun to show you some progress on my family room, in our basement. I will share with you more updates in the next couple weeks on our basement. We have been making baby steps to finishing it off. I still need carpet and painting the glorious trim……. But look at this wall. I love gallery walls! Check out here for more gallery displays in my home! 

It is coming together little by little. I love spending time in our basement with our friends and family. It is our only room with a TV, so we get lots of movie nights down here. I have been gathering frames from TJ Maxx, Hobby Lobby, West Elm and Target. Majority of the photography is from our friends, Fagan Studios and my Sister and bro in law, KT ELEMENTS

 check out the "C" nail art tutuorial here
couch- HOM furniture
pillows- target, pottery barn, etsy
blanket- handmade from my Mother in law :)
quilt (on left) target
Lamp- Flea market find and made into a lamp by my HUS
Wall color- Sherwin Williams- Mindful Gray

I have been claiming the month of January for my ORGANIZE my life month!! I am driving my familly nuts with all of the purging and organizing…….but it needs to be done. I have been trying to go through every square inch of our home and evaluting if we need it/ use it, or not. 

One area, that was a hot mess was the corner space in our family room. I wish I had a before picture for you! Oh my word, it was embarrassing. I scored this shelving unit for FREE from Old Navy! The shelves are used for art in my home/studio Here. I love the industrial look of it! It goes well with our space! I started by clearing off the shelves and putting our huge supply of games in baskets! Seriously, this is all games!!! We use them though! I hope to have built ins some day to hide them, but for now this works great! 

I owned all of the baskets already. They are Target except the big on in the middle is TJ Maxx. I hope to stain the big one with a gray wash this spring! 

 Are you working on any organizing in your home? Do have any fun tips or resources to use? 

Monday, January 27, 2014

DIY PLAYDOUGH for the kiddos in your life

Being a mom is awesome. 

I get to relive my favorite childhood memories.
I get a do over at many amazing things that are for KIDS.
I get to make and create with my little ladies.

This past weekend, we took advantage of the snowy day and made Playdough! It was super fun and messy! I tried two recipes and from here and here. One thing I loved was using JELL-O for the scent/coloring!

The recipe we tweaked:

1 cup of flour
1 cup of water (reviews say to use warm water)
1/8 cup of salt
2 T. of Cream of Tartar
1 T. of cooking oil (I used canola oil)
1 box of JELL-O
food coloring for a extra punch of color
Glitter (my daughter is obsessed with all things sparkly)

and that is it……. we are totally going to be making a rainbow of colors this week! I am going to buy the neon food coloring! 

Mix all of the ingredients in the pot! I let my daughter do all the dumping and stirring! She was soooo PROUD! It is amazing how excited kids get when we involve them on these projects! 

For the glitter- you can use a lot! I let my daughter sprinkle as much as she wanted! 

Once everything is mixed, you will stir the ingredients over medium heat for 5-10 minutes. Make sure that you keep stirring the whole time. It is ready for the next step when it turns into a big clump. You will know when this is happening! Mama needed to help the 3 year old-, it was too heavy to stir! :) 

Here is the first batch after it turned into a ball. Transfer the play dough to a floured surface and allow to cool for a bit. We let it cool for 20 minutes! 

While it was cooling, we started another batch! 

Once the playdough is at a good temputure, you can start kneading the dough to your desired consistency. We added 1/8-1/4 c. of flour to the dough at this point. Use your judgement on what it needs! 

The little lady was not a fan of this part! I took over for her, which I didn't mind at all! 

We are storing our playdough in some rubbermaid plastic containers. I am super happy about how it turned out! 

I will keep you posted on our next batch! 

Happy Monday! Have you been up to any fun DIY activities lately? January in Minnesota is such a great time for craft projects!