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Friday, March 22, 2013


HELLO! I am so excited that it's the weekend! We have some fun stuff planned and I am ready! It has been a very wintery week, even though it is S-P-R-I-N-G! I am coping with this brisk weather by keeping our fireplace on, fresh flowers everywhere, pastel nail polish, being crafty with my girls, and baking. Oh the baking.......such an addiction of mine. Here are some high lights from my week:

I have so many pictures of my daughters in the mornings! Never enough, though. I just can not get over their sweetness when the sun is shining in. the cuddles. the smiles. the jammies. and the bond they have. (Kiyah is cutting 4 stinkin teeth. Lord, Help me.)

Andy and I have been hosting like crazy. Like everyday this past week....but it has been great. We got to have our dear friends, Bruce and Sherry, over for dessert. They are amazing, Godly people. They are friends. Mentors. Partners in ministry. Real. I made America's Test Kitchen Chocolate Bundt Cake with homemade whipped cream and raspberries. We made them a Cafe Miel too! (well, right.) yum! 

 Oh my goodness, does this 3 year old act like her........mother. ha. She woke up the other day, starting her day like normal. She was opening her dresser drawer and scratched her hand on the knob....and this is what happened. A day full of "Dramaticistis" FOR REAL! "Mommy, I only have one finger (hand)." and "Mommy, I can't wipe myself" and "Mommy, I can't eat." and "Mommy, Pay (pray) for my hand." and so on. It was hilarious! Thank You to everyone who follows my Instagram and was praying for Zion Leilani. The prayers were answered. She is going at it again. 2 hands. 2 feet. and one spunky attitude. 

Our youth group, THE GATE, had an awesome All Nighter this past weekend. It was full of GaGa ball, sugar, pancake bar, crazy dance party, The Oz and lots of chaos. I hit up the church while my littles were sleeping to spend some time with my peeps. It was a blast! 

I have been getting a lot of art projects done at home. I needed this. I needed to get out my paint brushes, turn on pandora, light some candles and breath in the creativity. I finished up my House Rules for Cass Casa! I will reveal my art in the next few days! Check back! Happy Friday! Have a blessed weekend. 

(Linked up with Lauren at frommygreydeskblog and Jeanette at life rearranged)


  1. kiyah and those teeth - she is growing every day! love my wittle nieces! xxx

    1. She is a ham! her facial expressions kill me.

  2. love the art! can't wait to see it all!

  3. Great art project and adorable kiddos!

  4. That bundt cake looks fabulous! Your daughters are gorgeous! :)

    Happy Friday! xo

    1. Thanks Kate! The recipe is the best! You must make it. I love America's Test Kitchen!

  5. Your daughters are so cute! And that "dramatic" day is really funny! Have a nice weekend! :)

  6. Love the art and that dessert looks a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!
